The biggest Cadillac racing event of the year is getting even bigger!. We have secured the track for 2 full days of competitive racing! We want everyone to get in as much racing as you can and enjoy your time here in Orlando. This gives everyone a chance to get their cars ready and gives us a contingency plan if the weather doesn’t cooperate.
With tons of CASH $$ payouts and an enormous amount of raffle prizes from our great sponsors, this will be the biggest Cadillac Attack ever!
With classes to accommodate all kinds of GM vehicles, we are excited to see the diversity of incredible cars from GM at this years event. We’ve opened up rules in many of the classes to allow a wider array of power level cars.
More cars, more competition, more fun!

These companies are the ones that make this event happen for you. When you are spending money on parts and services make sure you check out these companies and support the people that support you.
Use the form below to email us with any questions or sponsorship inquiries
DM us pics to share on our feed and tag #cadillacattack